Flea Medication

Spring is in the air. Flowers bloom, birds sing, and everything becoming active when the sun is shining and your dogs want to be outdoors chasing bunnies and birds. Some of us want to go for hikes and walks, but we are also worried about fleas and ticks now. It is that time of the year to reach for the flea medicine, right?

Most major flea medications including Frontline, Advantage, Pet Amor, Sentry, Hartz uses an active ingredient called Filpronil. If you look up Filpronil on National Pesticide Information Center, you will see that Fipronil's side effects are quite deadly.

1. The study found that long term use contribute to thyroid tumors in rats.

2. Causing seizures among test animals

3. In the environment, toxic to fish, birds, and bees.

4. It's possibly carcinogen in humans.

5. Symptoms of acute toxicity via ingestion includes sweating, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, dizziness, agitation, weakness.

Are you sure you want to put that on your pets? Maybe there's a better way then slowly poisoning your family members. Fortunately, there's a better way, but you will need to do some work.

1. Garlic
Contrary to popular belief. Garlic is a powerful medicine for pets. Properly prepared, it's very helpful for pets. Obviously, you do not want to feed your dogs 200 cloves of garlic in one day just like you wouldn't feed your dogs ten pounds of raw meat in one sitting. You want to go ahead and peel fresh garlic and feed your dogs minced garlic in small quantities. How small? Depending on the size of your dog. To calculate, you want the formula of 30 lbs to 1 tsp of minced garlic.

So for your 25 lbs dog, you would feed 5/6 tsp, 15 lbs, 1/2 tsp and so on.

Garlic won't work immediately like Fipronil. You will need to use it for couple of days to a week to build up the oil into the dog's coat. Once use, refrain from washing the pets because it will wash away the build up.

2. Diatomaceous Earth
This is a mechanical way of getting rid of bugs. Diatomaceous Earth is a grind up powder of rocks and fossilized marine crustaceans. This powder is very abrasive, and it pierced the exoskeleton of the parasites and bugs. You can dust Fido's coat with DE and get rid of fleas and ticks mechanically.

3. Homeopathic Ledum
Homeopathic is a school of medicine developed by a brilliant German physician called Hahnemann. Hahnemann discovered that when a certain plant, mineral or animals venom under very low dosage can cure the same symptoms in a patient. Is there any evidence that homeopathic works? Some people think it is nothing but just plain sugar pills.

Well, just consider who use homeopathic remedies.

Many famous people including Charles Darwin, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Charles Menninger (founder of the famous Menninger Clinic), Dizzie Gillespie, Mark Twain.

John D. Rockefeller lived to the ripe old age of 98 and was known to have his homeopath often travel with him.

C. Everett Koop, M.D. (Surgeon General of the United States from 1982-1989)

Modern day celebs: Princess Diana, Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth II, Paul McCartney, Usain Bolt, Jennifer Aniston, Cher, Cindy Crawford, Clinton (Bill & Hillary), Tina Turner, and David Beckham.

Just because all these famous people using it, doesn't mean it is real or work, right? Well, it is not the most scientific way of evaluating, and that is true. Yet, if you think about it, these people can afford the best health plan and care. Why would they use sugar pills? If they believe it works, chances are, they know something. Especially the monarch, Queen Elizabeth II is just the last one using homeopathic remedies. The royal families have long since supported homeopathy. It started way back in Queen Adelaide time in 1865. Various royal family members down the line have been supporters of homeopathic medicine.

Check out this site. https://englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-royal-medicine-monarchs-longtime.html

So how do I use Ledum?

I give one dose = 3-4 pellets (depending on the size of your pets. Under 50 pounds, 3 pellets, above 50 pounds, 4 pellets) of Ledum 200C in the morning and one dose in the evening on empty stomach. I continue this regimen for 4 days every month at the beginning of the month during flea season. The pellets are small so it is easy to just open the pets’ mouth and drop it in. After that, I held their mouths shut for half a minute.