Cosmo is a very sweet cat who has a cyst on top of a tumor that is around his neck. He is a sensitive and very gentle cat and his owner did not want to put him through traumatic surgery to remove the tumor because he is a senior kitty. His loving owner decided to gently remove his tumor using Tumorid®. It took couple of weeks, and you can view his pictures here.
For the first couple of days, he was quite upset, but after the third day, he was able to eat and felt better.
We obtained mixed results for Cosmo’s tumor removal due to its critical location. Cosmo’s tumor is quite deep beneath the skin. We deemed it unsafe to risk a deep open wound on or around the neck area, because we do not want to risk damaging some vital structures. The topical cyst around the neck has been greatly reduced by Tumorid® but the owner told me the lump beneath the skin remains. You can view the last photo for comparison.
Need to see more Tumorid in actions? Check out Solomon, Bobo, or Joey.