Bobo on Mt Spokane
This salve is the loving creation for a Pit Bull named Bobo, who would otherwise be without a tail and about ready to pass on. Bobo was an abandoned dog who was picked up and delivered to the Humane Society of SW Washington with a broken jaw. The vet who operated on him and stitched up his jaw suspected that he was shot due to lead fragments found inside his mouth.
My husband and I were his foster family, but we found him to be the most loving dog we had ever fostered so we adopted him, and thus inherited him with all his medical problems. He had a broken jaw; lumps and bumps all over his body. After we adopted him, we took him to the vet to have the tumors evaluated and were told that the tumors were all benign except for one mast cell tumor. We even had the vet send out the biopsy to a pathology lab in Portland just to make sure. The report came back; all benign except for one mast cell tumor, aka: similar to human leukemia cells. You can view the vet’s reports here.
Several months after the evaluation, the tumor on Bobo’s tail (supposedly the benign tumor) started to grow. It grew so fast that it started to interfere with his elimination. We took him back to the vet and were told the only option was to dock his entire tail. We refused to do that because Bobo had suffered enough already in his life, and if the tumor was malignant, it would spread. We know that from past experience with Max (the dog on your Tumorid® box). When they cut into his cancerous tumor, it spread and Max only lived another month. We tried to avoid that same mistake and would not take that chance, so after two and half years of research, Tumorid® was born.
Check out Bobo’s Tumorid® journey here on this video. FYI, graphic details.
For a more detailed report about Tumorid® getting rid of Bobo’s mast cell tumor, please check out: Mast Cell Tumor